Sunday, June 1, 2008

Why Cook with Soy?

Why Soy??

Health magazine (April 2007 issue) suggested,
"Add one meatless meal a week. Less meat means less saturated fat--and fewer toxins like dioxin, DDT, and PCBS."

Why Soy??

Probably most popularized as a protien alternative for Vegetarians.

Soy is the answer to several concerns: low cost, high protien, low-saturated fat, low-cholesterol, high-fiber, low-sodium, lactose-free source of calcium, and fewer potential toxins.

Benefits. . .

Research is on-going that soy can benefit the human in body in various ways:
*assist with cardiovascular function
*support gallbladder function
*promote optimal blood sugar and cholesterol levels
*source of calcium to promote bone health
*anti-cancer effects
*promote cognitive function and brain healing

Soy is by no means a "cure" for any of the above mentioned health concerns. However, soy can be one way to incorporate healthier food choices into our lifestyles and take back control over our OWN health.

I firmly believe that in many cases the credit OR blame for our state-of-health is based on OUR CHOICES. . .

We choose what we put into our mouths.

We choose our habits--be it smoking, exercising, over-scheduling, relaxation, etc. Even if you feel that you did not specifically choose your habit, it is still YOUR CHOICE to go with the "default" or easiest option. The "choice" may not always be easy but it is OURS to make--no one makes it for us (adults).

I loved how Zig Ziglar once put it,

"I was overweight by choice.

I have never accidentally eaten anything."

In my personal journey to take back control of MY life & health, I discovered Super Soy products. Knowing that others will make this same journey, I am moved to share some of what I have learned. Unfortunately, knowledge is only a small portion of the challenge; ACTION and PERSISTENCE are the biggest part of choosing a healthy lifestyle. It is my hope to share tips and ideas that facilitate TAKING ACTION.

. . . this Bill Maher's rant about big pharma in this clip I feel echos my point of

Individual Responsibility!

To Your Abundant Health & Success. . .
Your Friend in KY,

Laura in the Kitchen

1 comment:

Pat Crosby said...

WOW! Chef Laura! Thank you so much for spreading this information that will help people WANT to take responsibility for their health - by CHOOSING WHAT they put in their mouths!

Pat Crosby